Living deliberately means practicing awareness about what affects me, even what effects everyone.  October is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS month.  In the United States alone, 220,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year – 40,000 die annually.  Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women worldwide.  Suffering is suffering whether one is Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Native American or another of the many worthy religious paths. We have been taught that those who practice other religions are very different from us. I just notice how those “differences” seem so important until we discover someone who has suffered as we have. I am learning that suffering can be what joins us together in common life and common cause.

So read Joerg Rieger’s article above. Think about the suffering of people across the world. Who is willing among us to prosper and ignore or reject the reality of the suffering that surrounds us.

Learn more about breast cancer – CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE.  Thank you.